The Beaver Pond Players

If you’ve ever visited the Hot Damn Trailer Park in the Northeast Queendom of Vermont, you’ve probably run into the Beaver Pond Players. That’s right, they aren’t just the characters that make you laugh on Amber Live! They are the citizens of Beaver Pond, who by day live and work at the busy beaver businesses of Beaver Pond including: 

Beaver Pond Pork Bi-Product Processing Plant


Edna St. Vincent LeMay Memorial Laundromat, Library, Community Center & Lint Museum
and now weefee hotspot


Peggy’s Plump and Proud

Lady Zeno Memorial Groinicological
Free Clinic

O’My Salon

Bone’s and Beau’s Fix it Shop

Visit Beaver Pond today and support the Beaver Pond Players by supporting local businesses!

Get to know more about the Beaver Pond Players below.

Meet the Beaver Pond Players

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and support Amber Live