Emoji Nightmare: Promoting Inclusivity Through Drag Queen Story Hour

Table of Contents


Emoji Nightmare's Impactful Presence

A Controversial Encounter at the Vermont State House

Prominent Events and Contributions

The Chester Library Controversy



In the world of drag entertainment, Emoji Nightmare, also known as Justin Marsh, shines as a prominent figure promoting inclusivity and acceptance. This article delves into Emoji Nightmare's impactful career and some notable incidents that have made headlines.

Emoji Nightmare's Impactful Presence

A Decade of Influence

Emoji Nightmare has been captivating audiences in Vermont and beyond since 2015. As one of the state's leading drag entertainers, she has played a pivotal role in hosting, performing, and producing major events, including New Queers Eve, Pride Ball, and The Vermont Pride Festival.

Recognition and Nominations

Her contributions to the drag scene have not gone unnoticed. Emoji Nightmare has been a frequent guest on "Amber Live!" and received multi-year nominations for the Seven Days' annual Daysies Awards for Best Drag Performer in Vermont.

A Controversial Encounter at the Vermont State House

Drag Queen Story Hour

Emoji Nightmare made waves when she read a children's book at the Vermont State House, participating in a Drag Queen Story Hour. However, this event did not sit well with GOP Representative Arthur Peterson, who expressed his disapproval of the story hour occurring during a devotional at the state house.

Prominent Events and Contributions

Fostering Inclusivity

Emoji Nightmare's commitment to fostering inclusivity and celebrating diversity is evident through her involvement in events like Paint: A Drag Cabaret, Queen City Drag Cabaret, and the Queer Pop-Up Dance Party. Her presence in these spaces serves as a beacon of acceptance.

The Chester Library Controversy

Cumsterella and Controversy

Emoji Nightmare faced controversy when her website and merchandise caught the attention of Chester, Vermont's library trustees. They expressed their discontent with a particular character Emoji created for adults, "Cumsterella." This character was not a part of the Story Hour.

Unfolding Events

To learn more about the Chester Library controversy and its aftermath, viewers can tune in to the drag queen comedy talk show, "Amber Live!" for an in-depth exploration of the incident and its implications.

Emoji Nightmare's journey as a drag entertainer and advocate for inclusivity highlights the power of the drag community in promoting acceptance and diversity. While her presence has stirred controversy at times, it underscores the importance of dialogue and understanding in creating a more inclusive society. Emoji Nightmare's dedication to her craft and her commitment to being a positive force in the world of drag entertainment continue to make an impact.

Visit Emoji Nightmare

—This article was written, restructured, or adapted by Russell with information gathered from sources around the internet. Russell is the producer of Amber Live and is greatly overworked to pull it all together.  If it’s on the internet, it must be true. (We’re kidding.) BUT, if you find any errors or omissions in the article, please let us know so that we may correct the issue. Thanks for your support!

Article Author Russell

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