Author Kate Rice

Examining Religion and Politics with Author Kate Rice

Table of Contents

  • Introduction

  • Background

  • Writing and Reporting

  • Political Activism

  • Upcoming Projects

  • Conclusion


Author and journalist Kate Rice recently appeared on the talk show Amber Live! to discuss her new book examining the intersections of religion, politics, and identity in America. Rice offers an insightful insider's perspective, having personally experienced three different faiths.


Kate Rice has led an adventurous life fueling her desire to explore complex social issues. In her younger years she worked as a ski instructor and active outdoor enthusiast.

Rice later became a travel industry reporter, covering technological changes in travel and tourism. She won an Eddie Award from Folio Magazine for her investigative story on human trafficking.

Outside of her journalism career, Rice is also a rock singer, stand-up comic, and avid Green Bay Packers fan.

Writing and Reporting

As a reporter, Rice specialized in the travel industry and technological shifts in the field. She has closely followed the growth of online travel sites and their impacts.

In her award-winning human trafficking exposé, Rice examined how the travel industry both enables and combats human rights abuses.

She has contributed to various other publications as well, bringing thoughtfulness to her observations on society.

Political Activism

Beyond writing, Rice actively engages in political and social causes close to her heart. She has fought for healthcare access, refugee rights, environmental conservation, and other progressive policies.

Rice credits her Irish ancestry and experiences across the political spectrum for motivating her activism. She strives to find common ground and strengthen communities.

Upcoming Projects

Rice continues to write books analyzing major issues in American society and politics. Her latest work takes a critical look at Christian nationalism and discrimination woven into Western culture.

As she promotes this new title, Rice plans to continue performing stand-up comedy shows and speaking out on injustice through her writing.

Throughout her life, author Kate Rice has explored complex social dynamics through daring journalism, activism, and now books. By reflecting on her own faith journey, Rice provides invaluable perspective on matters of belief, identity, and justice. She approaches these topics with open-mindedness and good humor true to her spirited nature. Rice's story offers hope of a more just and inclusive society by bridging divides.

—This article was written, restructured, or adapted by Russell with information gathered from sources around the internet. Russell is the producer of Amber Live and is greatly overworked to pull it all together.  If it’s on the internet, it must be true. (We’re kidding.) BUT, if you find any errors or omissions in the article, please let us know so that we may correct the issue. Thanks for your support!

Article Author Russell

Dark Humor Comedian and author of childrens books for adults Brad Gosse


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