Fire Attack on the Subway!
Fire Attack on the Subway!
Fire Attack on the Subway in NYC! Recently, a man entering New York City's subway station at the 28th Street stop threw two cans of flaming fire at a group of people awaiting a train.

Thankfully, no one was injured. But I have a few issues here. Most media coverage have been using the word allegedly, no doubt to cover their litigious asses. But was this fire-tossing pitcher allegedly channeling his inner Prometheus? Or perhaps he was hoping for a scout from the Mets was nearby?

Rocco Zamboni’s badge for his dream job!
Either way, the reporting of this alleged event misses the point by, oh, let's say, a train car length. First, were there witnesses? Yes, the people waiting for their train who smartly dodged the tin fireballs. Second, did you witness this via surveillance video? Yes, not allegedly, you saw it.
And though videos can be manipulated, absolutely, what you saw is what I saw. How can New York City Transit possibly combat this flaming out of your violence short of providing us all with catcher's mitts.