Comedy News Stories

Donald Trumps Hush Money Trial
Donald Trump is charged with falsifying 34 business records to cover up a $130,000 hush money payment to Stormy Daniels.

Donald Trumps Pecker
As usual Donald Trump is in court this week sleeping and farting his way through his election fraud case as the rest of us listen to testimony from people such as, David Pecker.

Man Pees in a Cup on an Airplane!
A guy on an airplane received a $395 fine for offensive behavior after he peed into a cup while waiting to deplane.

John Wayne Bobbits Penis and Toes Cut Off!
John Wayne Bobbitt got his peen cut off by his then-wife Lorena Bobbitt, and then she threw it out of a car window. 30 years later, John Wayne Bobbitt’s getting his toes amputated.

Donald Trump Farts in Court!?
President Donald Trump has appeared in court for his New York criminal case, and reporters were initially saying that he was falling asleep in the courtroom, but he may also have been farting as he slept.

New Jersey Shore Trash that’s not Snookie!
In New Jersey some 3,700 volunteers picked up over 175k pieces of trash from the Jersey shore… but sadly not the cast of the show.

World’s Oldest Man Guinness Record
The U.K.’s John Alfred Tinniswood is officially the world’s oldest man at 111! The previous record holder recently died at age 114.

Donald Trump Gets A Sign from Above!
The epicenter of this year’s earthquake was Donald Trump’s Bedminster golf course slash cemetery.

Fire Attack on the Subway!
A man entering New York City's subway station at the 28th Street stop threw two cans of flaming fire at a group of people awaiting a train.

Martha Stewart eats the Chobster!
Martha Stewart had at The Maison Barne. The dish she was praising online was a mutant hybrid of a chicken and lobster known as the Chobster.

Deux Face the Two Headed Calf in Louisiana
In Louisiana, a calf was born with two faces. A calf known as “Deux Face” was born with two faces on the side of its head.

What is the Winter Sport of Skijoring?
It’s the time of year for the winter sport of skijoring in Colorado. That’s where you mash up rodeos with ski racing.

Big Baseball News in Philadelphia!
The Philadelphia Phillies have ended their quarter century long promotion of Dollar Hot Dog Night! This is big news!

How Gay is Baseball?
The question on the lips of many LGBTQ+ persons… How gay is baseball? Duane Scott Cerny examines the answer.

Human Leg on the Subway!
A human leg has been found abandoned on a New York subway track, police said, sparking an investigation into who it once belonged to and how they lost it.

Pregnant Sting Ray with no mate!
A pregnant stingray in a North Carolina aquarium has no mate! What a mystery!

A Theme Song for Republicans!
Instead of focusing on real problems, Republicans are still undecided on a campaign theme song.

Donald Trump The Biggest Loser
Trump continues to be worshiped as a prophet, who oddly has never turned one. His followers see him as the second coming, while Stormy Daniels barely noticed his first.

Bye Bye Bye Ron DeSantis exits the race for president!
It's barely been a week since Ron DeSantis dropped his presidential run and already it feels like years.

Rusty vs the Road Signs!
The U.S. Federal Highway Administration is changing its rules and putting a stop to humorous signs seen along the highway.