Comedy News Stories

Man Pees in a Cup on an Airplane!
A guy on an airplane received a $395 fine for offensive behavior after he peed into a cup while waiting to deplane.

Deux Face the Two Headed Calf in Louisiana
In Louisiana, a calf was born with two faces. A calf known as “Deux Face” was born with two faces on the side of its head.

What is the Winter Sport of Skijoring?
It’s the time of year for the winter sport of skijoring in Colorado. That’s where you mash up rodeos with ski racing.

Stuck in a Claw Machine in Australia
A three year old was stuck in a claw machine at an arcade in Australia. Find out what Rusty Peen thinks about this!

Exploding Toilet at a Florida Dunkin!
In Florida, a dude is suing Duncan because of an incident involving an exploding toilet.